About Me
I've done some sleuthing with my mother and siblings and though nobody knows exactly, I got my Game Boy Color sometime in the very early 2000s, and with it, my first Pokémon game, which was probably Silver, though Red and Crystal are also possibilities. Since then I've put untold thousands of hours into the series, not to mention the time I've put into consuming other forms of Pokémon media, playing Pokémon forum games (PE2K ftw), making assorted Pokémon stuff, or just like, reading Bulbapedia.
I never grew out of (and then back into) Pokémon, which is a story I feel like I see a lot. (Even my own siblings, both had Game Boy Pokémon game(s) and then didn't own another Pokémon game until the 3DS and Switch respectively.) I had every generation as they came out, and even though I didn't play some generations extensively at the time (4*, 5, 6, rip), I was never not replaying older games and lurking on Pokémon forums and playing (usually alone) with my cards and making terrible art.
*DPPT, I mean. I played the shit out of Soul Silver
Shoutout to Anime!Team Rocket. Gotta be one of my favorite genders. Truly the Queer Icons of my childhood.

Crystal is my favorite Pokémon game, despite it's faults. I can not put into words the, like, feeling I get in my brain just watching Chikorita use Razor Leaf on my GBC. It's this weird tactile thing that just makes my lizard brain go brrr. I dunno. The first Pokémon I ever got to level 100 was my Meganium in Crystal. (One of my cousins lost this game (and that Meganium) on me while we slept over at their house. I cried about it while we tore their house apart looking for it (I was not a child prone to crying (toxic masculinity (the afab kind))). One of my other cousins caught me crying and told the adults in an effort to impart the importance of the situation, but I was none too happy about it at the time. The game was found in the end. Along with Red, which I hadn't even realized was missing because I was so worried about Crystal. Needless to say I didn't bring my games to their house anymore.)
My favorite Pokemon is Ralts/Gardevoir (rip Kirlia). As a teen it was Pidgeot, so shout out to that guy.


more favs:
