A terrible and lengthy project I have started for myself in which I create a living dex (sort of) that will allow me to breed any Pokémon on a whim with as little effort as possible.
This is an entirely wasteful use of my time, but, an excuse to breed, which is an activity I enjoy.
The breeddex will include, for each evolutionary family, as many representitives of the least-evolved non-baby Pokémon as it takes to hold all available egg moves, and each regional form. Each of these will have their hidden ability, 5+ perfect IVs, and whichever nature seems most useful. Everyone will be in a Premier Ball if possible (curse you, newest starter Pokémon).
I started this in Sword; my efforts are mostly moving to Scarlet, as breeding is faster there. Pokémon not in either will be bred in Shining Pearl or the 3DS games.
15/7/23: Added Eevee, who was done a while ago.
5/7/23: Yellow and Crystal dexes both done (they have been for a while). (Except for Octillery, I need to get my sibling's Silver to post game to get them and I haven't bothered yet.) I wanna mess with natures so I haven't sent many Pokémon up yet but they're all there waiting, at least.
26/11/22: Crystal dex at 216, about where it's gonna stay until I get Yellow. I'll start moving people into Home soon tho.
6/10/22: I decided that the,, most fun way to get hidden abilities for the first 251 would be a virtual console living dex so my Pokémon time's been going to that. Haven't made any measurable progress but the breeddex is coming along in some way. (Headed to the Crystal elite four with a Pokédex of 119, gonna need Yellow too to finish it. We'll see how much longer it takes.)
3/8/22: Added Abra, Inkay
unknown date: Breeddex 1.0 included Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, Caterpie, Pikachu, Clefairy, Meowth, Chansey, Kangaskhan, Magikarp, Snorlax, Dunsparce, Torkoal, Lucario, Darumaka, Litwick, Malamar, Phantump, Grookey, Scorbunny, Sobble, Rookidee, Toxtricity.