I've decided to start a, journal, I guess where I can say whatever about Pokémon games I'm playing atm.


5/5/24 X

So I finished X, recently. For the first time. (The Hall of Fame is here.) I started it when it came out but only made it like 4 badges in. Which says more about me than it does the game. It's a shame though, cause I like the Pokémon they added in gen 6, and I love the fairy type. And Xerneas is one of my favorite legendaries, despite never having used one before.

I managed to put like 30 hours into the game before the third badge, EV training my team and breeding berries. I would love to see more games give you a reason/opportunity to bother ev training before the post game. Just let me see the invisible stats, please.

Lumoise City sucks to navigate but I'll forgive it because there's a shop where I can just straight up buy premier balls.

5/5/24 FireRed